The Word of God To All The World

Since 1938:

Welcome to Bible Tracts, Inc.

Your source for free Gospel tracts as well as digital, musical, media, and technological tools.

  • 250,000 tracts. Shipped October 2023

  • 250,000 tracts. Shipped October 2023

  • 300,000 tracts. Shipped October 2023

  • 90,000 tracts. Shipped March 2024

  • 10,000 tracts. Shipped July 2024

  • 100,000 tracts. Shipped July 2024

  • 1,000,000 tracts. Shipped August 2024

Recent Projects Around The World

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  • Thank you for your obedience to the Lord's calling!! I will use these tracts to minister to those in my community with my 7 year old little boy & husband!!

    -Gwyndolyn from Mississippi

  • I had a lady trust Christ at a bus stop a couple weeks ago. Yesterday at the same stop a young man was already saved but rededicated his life to the Lord as a response to reading the tract.

    -Gail from Illinois

  • Since my last order we have had 3 people come to know the Lord through this ministry! Thanks for all the help you are.

    -Ed from Florida

  • Thank you and all of the donors for making these tracts possible. Just as I receive them by mail, I am constantly distributing them. Glory to God in the highest!

    -Marco from Texas

  • A 7 yr old girl in our church received Christ this morning during family devotions. The mom spoke to her daughter this AM and used “What God Wants Everyone to Know” to lead her to Christ. Chalk up another for BTI. Keep on keeping on.

    -Mark from Pennsylvania

  • Back in 1980’s I was saved while listening to Dr. Paul Levin and Bible Tract Echoes on the way to work. Thank you for keeping this ministry going for the glory of God!

    -Dianne from Wisconsin

  • I brought Bible Tracts, Inc. up at our finance committee meeting the other night. Most of the guys there didn’t know what a Bible tract was. I’m going to show them and the difference one can make in times like these. Thank you.

    -Bill from South Dakota

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Bible Tracts, Inc. Travel Playlist

Videos from Thailand, Australia, and more!

Tract Stories Playlist

Hear testimonies of people coming to Christ through tracts!

Special Edition of Bible Tract Echoes

The McCurry girls make an appearance.

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