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Monthly Reports

  • August 2024

    As we close out the summer months, God continues to guide and provide. We are so thankful to each of our partners whose sacrificial investment enables BTI to continue! The need for the Gospel is greater today than yesterday because countless souls are closer to eternity today than yesterday!

  • July 2024

    July was action-packed, and God blessed us in many ways! As you read this letter, please pray for us. We want to be careful to follow God’s leading and need wisdom. There is so much to do and so little time! BTI printed hundreds of thousands of English-language tracts in July. These Gospel seeds just made it to our warehouse, and we are excited to ship them to many of our partners like you. Our tracts don’t do anyone any good in our warehouse; we need God’s people to use them!

  • June 2024

    June was another exciting month of ministry! Truthfully, I’m not sure we’ve experienced a laid-back or boring month in the four and a half years we’ve been privileged to be a part of BTI. God has certainly continued to bless us in incredible ways and keep us active! This past month saw the McCurry family in Iowa, Michigan, Wisconsin, Illinois, and Pennsylvania. We are thankful that God continues to bless us with safety. We also can’t thank our prayer partners enough for taking our family to the throne of God.